ROBERTAZZI STYLE 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32FR Kit of 6 with sterile lubficating jelly
Latex Free Nasopharyngeal airways have the same characteristics as the popular Blue Latex airway, feeling of softness and flexibility. FEATURES: Latex free Soft-no damage to nasal passage Flexible Resists collapse or kinking Resilient Sterile Best Quality Disposable
ROBERTAZZI STYLE kit of 4 1-5075-04 Nos. 20, 24, 28, 32FR and sterile lubricating jelly.
Latex Free Nasopharyngeal airways have the same characteristics as the popular Blue Latex airway, feeling of softness and flexibility. FEATURES: Latex free Soft-no damage to nasal passage Flexible Resists collapse or kinking Resilient Sterile Best Quality Disposable