Product Description

Pediatric FingerTip PulseOximeter model 74003

Affordability in a fingertip Pulse Oximeter. This unit features a single directional LED display that includes a pulse rate monitor, and SP02 monitor, and a pleth bar. The automatic switch-off feature preserves battery life.

This unit features the same functionality as our MS-74001, but with an improved 2-color OLED display with 6 display modes, including SP02, Pulse Rate, and the pleth waveform. The automatic switch-off feature preserves battery life.

  • Simple & convenient operation
  • Sp02%, PR are displayed on the screen
  • Light, compact (50g including two AAA batteries)
  • Low power consumption
  • Indication of low power consumption
  • Two display modes
  • Pediatric w/ SPO2, PR & Pleth WF
Item NumberDescription
MS-74003Finger Tip Pulse Oximeter, Pediatric w/ SPO2, PR & Pleth WF


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